The End of the Story

During a church service recently, one of the songs sparked an idea in my mind. I actually pulled out my phone and wrote it down, right there, while we were singing.
It doesn’t have to be all right until the end of the story.
I am a writer, and have been for years now. As such, my biggest project has been a novel. I’ve been working on it for years now, and am currently about half way through.
See, here’s the thing. When I am writing in my novel, all kinds of bad things happen to the characters. Not just minor annoyances either, I mean some seriously bad stuff happens to them. I don’t want to give to much away, but I’m only half way through the book, and I they’ve all been in several near death situations.
I love my characters, though. I really do. In fact, any writer could tell you how we love our characters as if they are real friends, feeling the ups and downs of their life, as we create them, just as much as an avid reader might.
If I love them, then why do I let bad things happen to them? Because, as the writer, I am omniscient. I know how this story ends, because I am the one making it, and on the last page, I see nothing but happiness. As the omniscient writer, though, I can see that this is how my characters will have to get the happiness I have in store for them. I am sure, if my characters were living beings, they would be upset about their experiences. They would think that things are all wrong. But from my point of view, it is those dangers that bring them to their ultimate happiness, and enable them to bring others to that happiness along the way. Right now, as I am half way through the novel, their lives are a mess, but that’s okay.
Because it doesn’t have to be all right until the end of the story.
This is how our life is too. Sometimes, things can seem to be pretty messed up, and we wonder how everything can be going so wrong. God is omniscient though. He can see that on the last page of the book he has written nothing but happiness.
This is how we have to get there. We live under the curse, so things aren’t going to be easy, but God can see that this is the path we will have to take to get to our ultimate happiness, and to enable us to bring others to that happiness along the way.
So, take it from someone whose life has seemed to be falling apart lately. It doesn’t have to be all right until the end of the story.